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Architecture Diagram


The BioStudio architecture diagram provides a comprehensive overview of the system’s components and their relationships. It illustrates how different services and systems interact with each other and with all other services in detail.

On private server / K8S

1. Preparing the platform setup

Our product consists of containerized applications that can be deployed on Docker using the Docker engine (docker, containerd) as well as on Kubernetes.

To install BioStudio on your private server, the following requirements must be met:

System requirements

OS system
Centos 6.5 or above recommended -
Readhat Any -
Debian 10 or above recommended -
Ubuntu 18.04 or above recommended -

Hardware requirements

CPUs 16 cores or above recommended
GPUs Optional
MEMORY 32GB or above recommended
APP-STORAGE 40GB or above recommended
METADATA-STORAGE 50GB or above recommended
USER-STORAGE 500GB or above recommended
RUNTIME-ENGINE Docker/Containerd, or Kubernetes

Network requirements

Access to these domains is required for the machine with the BioStudio software installed, as we need to retrieve data from the BioTuring ecosystem server.

* We need to retrieve data from the BioTuring ecosystem server.
* We need to retrieve packages from the Anaconda server.
* We need to retrieve packages from the Anaconda repo server.
Amazon S3 We need to retrieve resources from the BioTuring ecosystem server.

Application services

bioproxy Within this image, you will find a comprehensive set of features, such as an HTTP/HTTPS server with load balancing, an NFS server, and Minio S3, in addition to metadata databases like PostgreSQL, Redis, and Memcached, all of which are used by the BioStudio instance.
BioStudio You will have access to all the necessary features, such as workspaces, notebooks, and various software applications that your colleagues use, through this image.

Service ports

Exposed Port
bioproxy HTTP (80) - We can change the this port. You may share this setting with your colleagues: http://your_private_server_ip_or_domain:PORT. This setting will enable your colleagues to access BioStudio private server through either a web browser or desktop application.
bioproxy HTTPS (443) - We can change the this port. You may share this setting with your colleagues: http://your_private_server_ip_or_domain:PORT. This setting will enable your colleagues to access BioStudio private server through either a web browser or desktop application.
bioproxy MEMCACHED (11121) - This port is restricted to LAN networks and is used to connect between bioproxy and BioStudio.
bioproxy REDIS (6379) - This port is restricted to LAN networks and is used to connect between bioproxy and BioStudio.
bioproxy POSTGRESQL (5432) - This port is restricted to LAN networks and is used to connect between bioproxy and BioStudio.
BioStudio WORKSPACE (18000) - This port is restricted to LAN networks and is used to connect between bioproxy and BioStudio.
BioStudio APP (11123) - This port is restricted to LAN networks and is used to connect between bioproxy and BioStudio.
BioStudio MQTT-WEBSOCKET (9001) - This port is restricted to LAN networks and is used to connect between bioproxy and BioStudio.
BioStudio MQTT-TCP (1883) - This port is restricted to LAN networks and is used to connect between bioproxy and BioStudio.
BioStudio JOB (11300) - This port is restricted to LAN networks and is used to connect between bioproxy and BioStudio.

2. Internal service workflow

It is possible to install both the bioproxy and BioStudio Docker images on a single physical machine.

Using the machine that has the BBrowserX private server installed can help you optimize your costs.

flowchart TD
    A[Requests from IP/DNS] -->|Access| M(BioStudio container \n in \n Your private server \n or Your K8S)
    M -->|Acsess| B(BioStudio container \n in \n Your private server \n or Your K8S)
    B --> C{Business Logic}
    C -->|Licenses| D[*]
    C -->|Notebooks| E[*]
    C -->|Packages| F[* \n * \n *]
    C -->|In-house Data| G[NFS \n S3 \n GlusterFS]
    C -->|Databases| H[PostgreSQL \n MySQL \n MariaDB]
    C -->|Ecosystem| J[BBrowserX \n Talk2Data]

3. Connection workflow

Connection workflow refers to the sequence of steps or processes that are involved in establishing and managing connections between two or more systems, devices, or applications.

flowchart TD
    A[Private server \n or Your K8S] -->|HTTPS| B(*
    B --> C{Services}
    C -->|Licenses| D[Check licence]
    C -->|Download| E[Curated notebooks]
    C -->|Download| F[Curated packages]
    C -->|Download| G[Curated data]
    C -->|Install| H[Biological APPs]

4. User access workflow

flowchart TD
    A[Your colleagues] --> |HTTP/HTTPS/VPN| B{Access \n IP/Domain}
    B -->|Internet Browser| C[Your private server \n or Your K8S]
    B -->|Desktop APP| C[Your private server]
    C -->|Download| F[Curated notebooks] -->|HTTPS| L(*
    C -->|Install| H[Biological APPs] -->|HTTPS| L(*
    C -->|Download| M[Curated data] -->|HTTPS| L(*
    C -->|Access| G[Private workspace]
    C -->|Access| N[Private enviroment]
    C -->|Access| J[In-house data]
    C -->|Access| Z[In-house database]
    C -->|Access| W[BBrowserX private server]

5. Setup HTTPS workflow

SSL Certificate : Software supports HTTPS protocol. SSL can be configured later after installation too.

After installing your private server, you can update your SSL by accessing the dashboard at http://your_private_server_ip_or_domain:port/dashboard and selecting Settings > Update SSL.

flowchart TD
    A[HTTPS Certificate] -->|IN| B(Your private server \n or Your K8S)
    B -->|Generate| D[Self-Signed SSL Certificate]
    B -->|Use| E[Let's Encrypt] --> K[Inside bioproxy \n Need public your domain]
    B -->|Buy| F[ \n]

6. What is the process to activate your BioStudio private server?

To activate the BioStudio private server, you need to have a token that is obtained from BioTuring.

After installing your private server, you can update your BioStudio token by accessing the dashboard at http://your_private_server_ip_or_domain:port/dashboard and selecting Settings > Update BioStudio Token.

flowchart TD
    A[Your private server \n or Your K8S] <-->|HTTPS| B(
    B <-->|Validate| D[Your TOKEN]

7. How can you utilize your company’s SSO for accessing your BioStudio private server?

BioStudio supports various SSO protocols including SAML, OAuth2, and OpenID, as well as popular social SSO options like AzureAD, Okta, Apple, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, and Github.

flowchart TD
    A[Your colleagues] <-->|LOGIN| B(Your private server \n or Your K8S )
    B <-->|Redirect| D[Your SSO IP/domain \n To enable SSO, you need to configure \n the SSO settings in \n the BioStudio admin dashboard.]
    B <-->|Redirect| F[ \n If you are unable to configure the SSO settings, \n you can use \n the BioTuring portal for authentication.]

8. What is the process for scaling in/out your BioStudio private server?

Bioproxy and BioStudio (Docker images) can be installed on multiple machines. However, only one Bioproxy instance is needed to balance the load across all BioStudio instances.

flowchart TD
    A[Private server \n or Your K8S] -->|Control| B(bioproxy)
    B <-->|Load balancing| D[BioStudio 1]
    B <-->|Load balancing| E[BioStudio 2]
    B <-->|Load balancing| F[BioStudio N]
    D --> |Add volumes| N[Volume 1...N]
    E --> |Add volumes| M[Volume 1...N]
    F --> |Add volumes| K[Volume 1...N]

On BioTuring cloud

It is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage (cloud storage) and computing power, without direct active management by the user.

For any query and support. Kindly contact us: 📧