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Cell-Cell communication



scVI-tools: single-cell variational inference tools
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scVI-tools (single-cell variational inference tools) is a package for end-to-end analysis of single-cell omics data primarily developed and maintained by the Yosef Lab at UC Berkeley. scvi-tools has two components - Interface for easy use of a range of probabilistic models for single-cell omics (e.g., scVI, scANVI, totalVI). - Tools to build new probabilistic models, which are powered by PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning, and Pyro.
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CS-CORE: Cell-type-specific co-expression inference from single cell RNA-sequencing data
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The recent development of single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) technology has enabled us to infer cell-type-specific co-expression networks, enhancing our understanding of cell-type-specific biological functions. However, existing methods proposed for this task still face challenges due to unique characteristics in scRNA-seq data, such as high sequencing depth variations across cells and measurement errors. CS-CORE (Su, C., Xu, Z., Shan, X. et al., 2023), an R package for cell-type-specific co-expression inference, explicitly models sequencing depth variations and measurement errors in scRNA-seq data. In this notebook, we will illustrate an example workflow of CS-CORE using a dataset of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) from COVID patients and healthy controls (Wilk et al., 2020). The notebook content is inspired by CS-CORE's vignette and modified to demonstrate how the tool works on BioTuring's platform.
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Spatially informed cell-type deconvolution for spatial transcriptomics - CARD
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Many spatially resolved transcriptomic technologies do not have single-cell resolution but measure the average gene expression for each spot from a mixture of cells of potentially heterogeneous cell types. Here, we introduce a deconvolution method, conditional autoregressive-based deconvolution (CARD), that combines cell-type-specific expression information from single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) with correlation in cell-type composition across tissue locations. Modeling spatial correlation allows us to borrow the cell-type composition information across locations, improving accuracy of deconvolution even with a mismatched scRNA-seq reference. **CARD** can also impute cell-type compositions and gene expression levels at unmeasured tissue locations to enable the construction of a refined spatial tissue map with a resolution arbitrarily higher than that measured in the original study and can perform deconvolution without an scRNA-seq reference. Applications to four datasets, including a pancreatic cancer dataset, identified multiple cell types and molecular markers with distinct spatial localization that define the progression, heterogeneity and compartmentalization of pancreatic cancer.
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Multimodal single-cell chromatin analysis with Signac
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The recent development of experimental methods for measuring chromatin state at single-cell resolution has created a need for computational tools capable of analyzing these datasets. Here we developed Signac, a framework for the analysis of single-cell chromatin data, as an extension of the Seurat R toolkit for single-cell multimodal analysis. **Signac** enables an end-to-end analysis of single-cell chromatin data, including peak calling, quantification, quality control, dimension reduction, clustering, integration with single-cell gene expression datasets, DNA motif analysis, and interactive visualization. Furthermore, Signac facilitates the analysis of multimodal single-cell chromatin data, including datasets that co-assay DNA accessibility with gene expression, protein abundance, and mitochondrial genotype. We demonstrate scaling of the Signac framework to datasets containing over 700,000 cells.
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Seurat - Integrated analysis of multimodal single-cell data


The simultaneous measurement of multiple modalities represents an exciting frontier for single-cell genomics and necessitates computational methods that can define cellular states based on multimodal data. Here, we introduce "weighted-nearest nei(More)
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Scanpy is a scalable toolkit for analyzing single-cell gene expression data built jointly with anndata.


SCANPY integrates the analysis possibilities of established R-based frameworks and provides them in a scalable and modular form. Specifically, SCANPY provides preprocessing comparable to SEURAT and CELL RANGER, visualization through TSNE, graph-d(More)
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BioTuring Data Converter: Seurat <=> Scanpy for single-cell data transcriptomic and spatial transcriptomics


This notebook illustrates how to convert data from a Seurat object into a Scanpy annotation data and a Scanpy annotation data into a Seurat object using the BioStudio data transformation library (currently under development). It facilitates continued(More)
Bioturing Massive-scale Analysis Solution: Running analysis for massive-scale data from Seurat dataset


This tool provides a user-friendly and automated way to analyze large-scale single-cell RNA-seq datasets stored in RDS (Seurat) format. It allows users to run various analysis tools on their data in one command, streamlining the analysis workflow and(More)
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Monocle3 - An analysis toolkit for single-cell RNA-seq


Build single-cell trajectories with the software that introduced **pseudotime**. Find out about cell fate decisions and the genes regulated as they're made. Group and classify your cells based on gene expression. Identify new cell types and states a(More)
The comprehensive pipeline for single-cell rnaseq - cellgeni


It is a comprehensive set of premade notebooks available to users on BioColab. These notebooks are designed to guide users through various stages of downstream analysis and to aid them in inspecting their own data. We have five notebooks available, e(More)
Deep learning and alignment of spatially resolved single-cell transcriptomes with Tangram


Charting an organs’ biological atlas requires us to spatially resolve the entire single-cell transcriptome, and to relate such cellular features to the anatomical scale. Single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-seq (sc/snRNA-seq) can profile cells compre(More)
Required GPU
Spatially informed cell-type deconvolution for spatial transcriptomics - CARD


Many spatially resolved transcriptomic technologies do not have single-cell resolution but measure the average gene expression for each spot from a mixture of cells of potentially heterogeneous cell types. Here, we introduce a deconvolution metho(More)
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CellPhoneDB: inferring cell–cell communication from combined expression of multi-subunit ligand–receptor complexes


Cell–cell communication mediated by ligand–receptor complexes is critical to coordinating diverse biological processes, such as development, differentiation and inflammation. To investigate how the context-dependent crosstalk of different cel(More)
Inference and analysis of cell-cell communication using CellChat


Understanding global communications among cells requires accurate representation of cell-cell signaling links and effective systems-level analyses of those links. We construct a database of interactions among ligands, receptors and their cofactor(More)
Required GPU
Spatial charting of single-cell transcriptomes in tissues - celltrek


Single-cell RNA sequencing methods can profile the transcriptomes of single cells but cannot preserve spatial information. Conversely, spatial transcriptomics assays can profile spatial regions in tissue sections but do not have single-cell resolutio(More)
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NicheNet: modeling intercellular communication by linking ligands to target genes


Computational methods that model how the gene expression of a cell is influenced by interacting cells are lacking. We present NicheNet, a method that predicts ligand–target links between interacting cells by combining their expression data with(More)
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iBRIDGE: A Data Integration Method to Identify Inflamed Tumors from Single-Cell RNAseq Data and Differentiate Cell Type-Specific Markers of Immune-Cell Infiltration


The development of immune checkpoint-based immunotherapies has been a major advancement in the treatment of cancer, with a subset of patients exhibiting durable clinical responses. A predictive biomarker for immunotherapy response is the pre-existing(More)
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Identifying tumor cells at the single-cell level using machine learning - inferCNV


Tumors are complex tissues of cancerous cells surrounded by a heterogeneous cellular microenvironment with which they interact. Single-cell sequencing enables molecular characterization of single cells within the tumor. However, cell annotation—the(More)
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Multimodal single-cell chromatin analysis with Signac


The recent development of experimental methods for measuring chromatin state at single-cell resolution has created a need for computational tools capable of analyzing these datasets. Here we developed Signac, a framework for the analysis of single-ce(More)
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